b'TAFE NSW ANDPOCHE PARTNERSHIP Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people are at the forefront in shaping health services to meet the needs of their local Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities, including those in Western Sydney. TAFE NSW partners with the Poche Centre for Indigenous Health to build and support education and career pathways for Aboriginal people through customised scholarship programs.Training is delivered to Poche students at TAFE NSW Kingswood in courses such as the Diploma of Nursing, Certificate III and IV in Dental Assisting, and Certificate IV in Allied Health Assisting. The vocational training and scholarships are designed and scheduled to take account of students family responsibilities, financial circumstances and academic support needs. Over 500 qualifications have been awarded to Aboriginal students through the program. Initiatives like these create meaningful pathways for Aboriginal people to secure local skilled work or study at university, and improve the cultural competence of health care services.EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 41'